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Green Biz PC
Park City, Utah
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System could not find the current user id.
Insulate water heaters and major hot water pipes
5 points
System could not find the current user id.
Set water heater thermostat to 120 degrees
10 points
System could not find the current user id.
Replace water heaters with tankless, heat pump, or solar water heaters
15 points
System could not find the current user id.
Check for and repair water leaks annually
5 points
System could not find the current user id.
Install faucet aerators in bathroom sinks
5 points
System could not find the current user id.
Install faucet sensors
5 points
System could not find the current user id.
Install 1.5 gallon per minute faucet aerators in kitchen sinks
5 points
System could not find the current user id.
Wash linens every 4 days for longer stays
5 points
System could not find the current user id.
Upgrade to an ENERGY STAR certified dishwasher
10 points
System could not find the current user id.
Install WaterSense labeled toilets and urinals
10 points
System could not find the current user id.
Install a graywater reuse system
15 points
System could not find the current user id.
Install towel hangers with laundry opt-out messaging
5 points
System could not find the current user id.
Minimize turf areas to less than 25% and prioritize xeriscaping
15 points
System could not find the current user id.
Install rain sensors and controls for all irrigation systems
15 points
System could not find the current user id.
Use drip irrigation for non-turf planting areas that require irrigation
15 points
System could not find the current user id.
Add compost and biochar to your landscaped areas
15 points
System could not find the current user id.
Educate employees on stormwater best practices
5 points
System could not find the current user id.
Install a rainwater collection system
10 points
System could not find the current user id.
Train employees on water quality protection and conservation practices
5 points
System could not find the current user id.
Clean outdoor areas with a broom and damp mop instead of a hose
5 points
System could not find the current user id.
Discontinue company purchasing of plastic water bottles
10 points
System could not find the current user id.
Install signage directing employees to dispose of wastewater properly
5 points
System could not find the current user id.
Set pool and hot tub temperatures appropriately and check annually
10 points
System could not find the current user id.
Balance pool and hot tub chemicals to avoid unnecessary draining
5 points
System could not find the current user id.
Use a water recirculator (rather than running water) to defrost
5 points
System could not find the current user id.
Offer water to guests only upon request, and check if they want ice first
5 points
System could not find the current user id.
Serve water in small glasses with tabletop pitcher
5 points
System could not find the current user id.
Become QWEL Certified
10 points
System could not find the current user id.
Get a professional water assessment
15 points
System could not find the current user id.
Install WaterSense labeled showerheads and faucets
5 points
System could not find the current user id.
Use drip irrigation for non-turf planting areas that require irrigation
15 points
System could not find the current user id.
Set water heater thermostat to 120 degrees
10 points
System could not find the current user id.
Minimize turf areas to less than 25% and prioritize xeriscaping
15 points
System could not find the current user id.
Use drip irrigation for non-turf planting areas that require irrigation
15 points
System could not find the current user id.
Discontinue company purchasing of plastic water bottles
10 points
System could not find the current user id.
Use drip irrigation for non-turf planting areas that require irrigation
15 points
System could not find the current user id.
Train employees on water quality protection and conservation practices
5 points
System could not find the current user id.
Replace water heaters with tankless, heat pump, or solar water heaters
15 points
System could not find the current user id.
Check for and repair water leaks annually
5 points
System could not find the current user id.
Use drip irrigation for non-turf planting areas that require irrigation
15 points
System could not find the current user id.
Install faucet sensors
5 points
System could not find the current user id.
Use drip irrigation for non-turf planting areas that require irrigation
15 points
System could not find the current user id.
Install signage directing employees to dispose of wastewater properly
5 points
System could not find the current user id.
Discontinue company purchasing of plastic water bottles
10 points
System could not find the current user id.
Educate employees on stormwater best practices
5 points
System could not find the current user id.
Train employees on water quality protection and conservation practices
5 points
System could not find the current user id.
Install a graywater reuse system
15 points
System could not find the current user id.
Minimize turf areas to less than 25% and prioritize xeriscaping
15 points
System could not find the current user id.
Install rain sensors and controls for all irrigation systems
15 points
System could not find the current user id.
Use drip irrigation for non-turf planting areas that require irrigation
15 points
System could not find the current user id.
Check for and repair water leaks annually
5 points
System could not find the current user id.
Upgrade to an ENERGY STAR certified dishwasher
10 points
System could not find the current user id.
Install WaterSense labeled toilets and urinals
10 points
System could not find the current user id.
Minimize turf areas to less than 25% and prioritize xeriscaping
15 points
System could not find the current user id.
Use drip irrigation for non-turf planting areas that require irrigation
15 points
System could not find the current user id.
Add compost and biochar to your landscaped areas
15 points
System could not find the current user id.
Train employees on water quality protection and conservation practices
5 points
System could not find the current user id.
Clean outdoor areas with a broom and damp mop instead of a hose
5 points
System could not find the current user id.
Discontinue company purchasing of plastic water bottles
10 points
System could not find the current user id.
Offer water to guests only upon request, and check if they want ice first
5 points
System could not find the current user id.
Serve water in small glasses with tabletop pitcher
5 points
How it Works
Certification Levels
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