How the program works
The Green Business program allows businesses in Park City and Summit County to earn bronze, silver, or gold certification levels to showcase their environmental action. Using our online portal, businesses can manage their progress, prepare for walkthroughs, and level up.

Sign up and
get started
We’ll review your business details and set up your account. Then you can log into the portal to get started. Your Green Business coordinator can answer questions and guide your progress. We’re here to support you!
Complete actions and earn points
You will have access to a tailored list of actions to get started on right away, with instructions and resources. Each action you complete and submit in the portal earns points towards your certification.
Schedule a walkthrough
When you’ve submitted enough actions, schedule an in-person walkthrough of your business with our team. We’ll score your completed actions, award your certification, and discuss next steps.
Enjoy your certification
Earn bronze, silver, and gold level certifications. Each level comes with a toolkit of badges to showcase your work. Keep completing actions to level up, and make sure to recertify every three years.

Become a green business
Joining this program is completely free. Our mission is to provide expert guidance, tools and incentives for local organizations to maximize value while building sustainable, regenerative business practices. We also aim to bring greater recognition and incentives to businesses that surface as environmental leaders with an efficient, credible program.
Any Summit County business can qualify, however we do ask that you complete these steps internally before you apply.
- You must assign a Green Business Point of Contact to oversee your program and document your certification, and
- Get support for your Green Business program from your organizational leader. You must ensure that they are updated on your Green Business progress regularly (at least twice per year, recommended quarterly monthly).
Each business type will have actions related to their industry in the following categories:
The largest source of Greenhouse Gas emissions (GHGs) comes from burning fossil fuels for energy, e.g., natural gas for heating, coal for electricity, and gas for vehicles. Electricity created using solar power, geothermal energy, and other renewables drastically reduces or eliminates the release of GHGs as energy is produced. Energy has been historically cheap, and often our status-quo systems and industries are created that waste energy. With rising energy prices and climate change, the need to use energy more wisely is imperative. Energy efficiency means converting to systems that use less energy to accomplish the end goal. Electrification means converting buildings and transportation that historically relied on fossil fuels to electric systems that use renewables. Energy efficiency can improve productivity, reduce utility bills, and there are a lot of resources and incentives out there to help you do it! Checklist actions are designed to help you understand your energy profile, save energy, convert to renewables, and ultimately save on costs and save the planet.
Water Conservation
One of the most pressing climate emergencies for Park City and Summit County is drought, and it is our most limited resource locally. Being near the top of a watershed, it is vital that we both conserve and protect our water quality for human use, sustainable food production, and to support our natural ecosystems and wildlife. Actions are designed to offer technical solutions, as well as water-saving behaviors to instill in your business culture. Some local incentives are available, per individual actions on the checklist.
Materials Management
Rethink. Refuse. Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. Actions in this category are all about following the waste hierarchy. First and foremost we must work to eliminate the production of throwaway materials that fill our landfill, especially packaging. Rather than single-use items, we must convert to durable products that can be reused and remain out of the landfill. At the end of a product’s life, after reuse is no longer possible, it must be effectively recycled so that new products can be made instead of having to harvest or mine virgin materials. There is much to be gained by converting to a circular economy! Actions are designed to prevent waste with “upstream” solutions, as well as promote reuse and good recycling habits.
Fossil fuel powered transportation contributes significantly to climate change. Traffic generated by the Park City area causes endless headaches. The solution lies in reducing the dependence of commuters, visitors and residents alike out of their personal vehicles and using alternative modes of transportation, such as public transit, human-power (biking, walking) and electric vehicles.
Thriving Community & Equity
Goals for a thriving business community include diverse leadership and representation, reducing income disparity, and ensuring access to critical resources for all. Actions under this category are designed to promote social equity, contribute to Park City’s local nature and build community connections.
Each level of certification has a list of incentives. All participating businesses will receive access to resources, newsletters, events, coaching and assistance from the Green Business Team and other utility experts. Check here for a complete list.