Take Action
Every month, we introduce a featured set of action that will help you be more sustainable.
Of course, the best action you can take is to join us now and get certified!
Stop idling
It is recommended to turn off vehicles that are idling for 10 seconds or more; 10 seconds of idling uses more fuel than turning the car off and restarting it. Summit County has issued a voluntary anti-idling ordinance with a 3-minute limit on idling. Park City has issued a mandatory anti-idling ordinance with a 1-minute limit of vehicle idling. More information here.
Community Open House
All are invited to attend a community open house on incentivizing affordable housing and reducing single-occupancy vehicles on Tuesday, February 27, at 5:30 pm at the DoubleTree by Hilton. Park City’s consultants will present their findings on potential Land Management Code amendments and Alta Planning + Design will also be on hand to discuss the plan for an improved active transportation network comprehensively.
Legislative updates
Follow how this year’s legislative cycle is touching on issues related to sustainability, energy, transportation, and more. Check out the legislative session trackers from HEAL Utah, Utah Clean Energy, and the Sierra Club.
Give us Feedback!
Green Business Program feedback: If you haven’t already filled out the Green Business Program feedback form, please share your thoughts here!
Write to Your Councilors
Write to Your Councilors: Voice your concern and support for Park City’s and Summit County’s leadership in sustainability.
Landscape Incentive Program
Interested in reducing your outdoor water use and saving money? Park City’s Landscaping Incentive program opens on May 1.
Climate Change and Public Health Speaker Series
What does climate change have to do with public health? The 2023 Summit County Climate Change and Public Health Speaker Series is designed to elevate public health as a critical consideration of climate change action in our community. Register for the May 9 session HERE.
Sustainable Tourism Grant
Don’t miss out on the Park City Chamber’s Sustainable Tourism Grant! This incredible opportunity will fund programs, initiatives, promotions, and events that help support the objectives outlined in the Park City & Summit County Sustainable Tourism Plan. Applications are due on April 28.