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Pending Goals

Goal: Install low-flow showerhead(s) Installing lower flow showerheads will reduce your household's water consumption. This scenario is based on a typical Park City Household converting its 2.5 gallon per minute (GPM) showerhead(s) to a 2.0 GPM showerhead(s). Lower flow heads are also available.
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Goal: Jan 10: Ride the bus 1 time each day for 7 days Park City & Summit County run an amazing bus system. And it is totally free. Riding the bus once a day this week will be fun and you'll reduce your carbon footprint & reduce traffic. Added benefit: Next time you want to ride the bus, you'll find it easier & you'll know how the bus system works.
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Goal: Jan 17: Be a vegatarian or vegan for 1 week Cow farts create a lot of carbon. Not trying to be gross; just stating the facts. In fact, cows are responsible for about 15% of carbon worldwide. So don't eat meat for one week. No beef, no chicken, no fish. Already vegetarian? Go vegan for a week.
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Goal: Jan 24: Live on 20 gallons of water a day for 1 week In the winter, the average person in the US uses 80 gallons of water in a day. According to the US Human Development report, an American taking a five-minute shower uses more water than the typical person living in a developing country slum uses in a whole day.
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Goal: Jan 3:Collect all of your trash, compost & recycling To gain awareness of how much trash & recycling each of us generates in just a week, collect all of your trash & recycling somewhere in your home or garage. Bring home any waste or recycling you personally generate at work or at school. At the end of the week, recycle as much of your refuse as possible!
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Goal: Jan 31: Freecycle-Give away 3 items & receive 1 item given for free Freecycling is when someone gives an unwanted item to someone else for free. Freecycling keeps good stuff out of the landfill -- and it helps build a strong community!
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Goal: Start recycling Recycling can reduce greenhouse gas emissions at the landfill and upstream in the manufacturing of products. This scenario considers the reduction in solid waste generation for a Park City resident that begins to recycle at the average community rate.
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Goal: Walk, bike, carpool and use transit system Walking, riding your bike, carpooling, or using the transit system avoids vehicle trips, reduces congestion, saves money, and reduces greenhouse gas emissions. This scenario assumes that the average trip is 2 miles.
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Completed Goals

Goal: Install programmable thermostat A programmable thermostat is set to control the temperature in your house automatically depending on your schedule. By having an the temperature on automatic pre-set programs, you don't have to worry about remembering to turn the temperature down when you leave or having an uncomfortable temperature upon your return. This scenario is for installing or programming a thermostat that controls a typical forced air furnace.
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Goal: Jan 3:Collect all of your trash, compost & recycling To gain awareness of how much trash & recycling each of us generates in just a week, collect all of your trash & recycling somewhere in your home or garage. Bring home any waste or recycling you personally generate at work or at school. At the end of the week, recycle as much of your refuse as possible!
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