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Irrigation Controllers & Sensors
Landscape Irrigation
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Sprinkler System Audit
Waterwise Landscaping & Xeriscaping
For most yards and lawns, irrigation is a necessity to keep vegetation alive and healthy. Unless you have installed a xeriscape landscape, which requires only natural rainfall to survive, you'll need an irrigation or sprinkler system in place. For the average home, 2/3 of your water use goes to irrigating your yard and most of that is wasted due to inefficient watering.

An efficient irrigation system consists of water-efficient sprinklers or irrigation devices, automatic controllers and timers that water at the right amount at the right time, and then proper maintenance to ensure the entire system is running properly.

It is highly advisable to contact a landscape professional to help design the proper system that will be the most efficient for your yard. Review the California Landscape Contractors Association's Guide to Hiring a Professional Landscaper when choosing a landscape professional to assist you. And look for a US EPA WaterSense Partner or a professional landscaper knowledgeable of 'smart' irrigation technology to get the most water-efficient system.
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