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Buying green power is a direct way to support the use of renewable sources to generate power. Utilities all over the country now are including more and more renewable energy generation sources in their power mix. Renewable energy comes from wind farms, solar systems, geothermal, some sources of hydro power, and maybe even soon tidal power.

Utilities do one of two things to get renewable energy for their customers. They either own and produce their own power from a renewable energy plant like a wind farm, or they buy Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) from a renewable energy producer. These RECs are essentially the green attributes of the power and can be sold independentaly of the actual electricity.

Right here in our own area, Rocky Mountain Power offers it's customers the chance to buy Blue Sky Renewable Energy, which comes from wind energy in the surrounding region. By purchasing green power, you lower your carbon footprint as well as encourage the development of new renewable energy projects so we can start phasing out our fossil fuel energy sources.
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