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Save Our Snow Action Plan
The Save Our Snow Action Plan is the result of a community engagement process to develop clean energy, energy efficiency, and water conservation strategies for Park City.  The plan was created in response to positive community support and overwhelming interest in the local Save Our Snow events.

The Action Planning process was kicked off with an open community forum in November 2009.  Over 90 residents participated in the event and provided their recommendations for improvements in four categories: Energy Efficiency & Clean Energy, Transportation, Waste & Recycling, and Water Conservation.  Moderators collected 16 pages of recommendations and these were later translated into high priority focus areas by a Task Force of 26 volunteers from the November kick-off event.  This Task Force continued to meet for four months and their work, along with assistance from Brendle Group, culminated with the Save Our Snow Action Plan.
A complete draft of the Action Plan is included below.  This plan will be used to prioritize and implement carbon reduction and water conservation strategies for the Park City community.  Questions about the plan and its implementation can be directed to Tyler Poulson ( at Park City Municipal.

Read the full Save Our Snow Action Plan here...
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